Thursday, September 27, 2012

Introduction to Dad Ex Machina

Greetings fellow cyber-denizens, Welcome to Dad Ex Machina! Reading Redbook the other day, I stumbled on an article about dads; specifically sitcom dads on television and how they no longer reflect who we are as parents. In that solitary moment self reflection, I decided to contribute to the volumes written in cyberspace on parenting. But unlike all the mom blogs out there, to contribute to isolated colony of fathers who desire to bring balance to the universe. I have a busy schedule, so I won't pretend that I'll make much headway initially, but I wanted to piss on my virtual fire hydrant and claim Dad Ex Machina as my URL. As most of us XY variety parents probably realize, Dad Ex Machina is a fitting title. We are 'dads in the machine' of today's parenting paradigm. Often we find ourselves swooping into save the heroine or our little side kicks from a myriad of pernicious perils and predicaments. I hope you enjoy reading and welcome your input as we move forward in fatherhood. Yours always! Yuki